Leaked! New Sticker Tab Will be Added to Legend’s Customization Menu

New UI files from the last update show a placeholder tab for Stickers to be a new cosmetic!

After the last update there were some leftover UI files that allowed us to see a hidden tab in the Legend customization menu. Thanks to Shrugtal we were able to see images of this tab and new packs coming out.

This will be a new amazing way for players to further customize their Legends and also show some individual expression to the skins already in the game. There will be legendary, epic and rare stickers to unlock. To help with unlocking all the new stickers, there will be a new Sticker Pack entering the game.

Sticker Pack - Apex Legends

The menu's current layout looks somewhat similar to our emotes and holosprays, but nothing is set in stone yet since this was just datamined. But how cool would it be to add multiple stickers to your Legend and weapons making them all your own style.

Stickers Tab Preview - Apex Legends

I am looking forward to seeing all these unique customizations on my fellow teammates!

Stay frosty Legends

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